Here is a function I've just written and tested, called CalculateLots. What it does is that it takes a risk percentage (i.e. 2%) and the stop-loss distance in pips (i.e. 30 pips) and it gives back what the lotsize shoud be so that when the trades hits its 30 pips stop-loss, it losses exactly 2% of the account balance.
Check it out.
double CalculateLots(double riskPercentage, double stopLoss)
double pipValue=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKVALUE);
double point=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_POINT);
double pip=GetPip(Symbol());
double StopLoss=TriggerDistance;
double lots=(AccountBalance())*riskPercentage/100/(stopLoss*(pip/point)*pipValue);
double lotStep=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_LOTSTEP);
int digits = 0;
if(lotStep<= 0.01)
else if(lotStep<=0.1)
double minLots=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT);
double maxLots=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MAXLOT);
return (lots);
Moreover, if you do not give a cr@p about what your balance is and how much you're losing relative to that, but you only want to ensure that the SL does not exceed a certain amount of dollars, let's say $50, all you need to do differently is to replace AccountBalance()*riskPercentage/100 with your variable or constant that stores this USD amount.
Good luck learning Metatrader programming, share your ideas and questions below. Thanks!
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